Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Best Ron Paul Song Yet!

Best Ron Paul Song Yet!

Payday Monsanto As more and more begin to know, The status quo has got to go. They're bound to say yes to a man named Doctor NO. A man who makes the establish panic. Grass roots are growing way too wild, too organic. With no donations from Goldman Sachs, They are still having trouble, trying to hold him back. But it is not about a man. Am I clear? It's about a man who will carry on an idea. The script you've been given doesn't fit; It's a given. Dr Paul has been robbed in every state he has been in. It's a sin when the teleprompter readers keep spinnin, Having the people believin the congressman isn't winnin. Their smear campaign is wearing off fast, Exponentially, we are tearing off masks. The mass media aint makin it fair. Once we kill the central bank, we cant take it from there. Dr Paul he's a statesman. So why do they hate him? He was delivering babies back in 1963 And he just helped give birth to the baby of Liberty. He's a statesmen. So why do they hate him? He was de! livering speeches back in 1984, Telling you how central banks were profiting from war. As the Bobble Heads tell you: Congressman Paul is "unelectable". That's true when you approach it from a technical angle, Because the media is being strangled, Givin opinions to people as they fandango. It takes two to tango and play the game, Thus the people are just as much to blame. The two parties should be fired and flamed, Cause they're own by the same cabal I wont name. Vote frauds been proven by all reason ...