Sunday, March 25, 2012

a Shy Love Song (Original Pony Song)

a Shy Love Song (Original Pony Song)

This is a love song for Fluttershy from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, from the point of view of a fellow shy pegasus pony. If it receives good feedback and stuff, I'll make a full studio version of it when I get the time. So for now, only Acoustics. Haha. :) This song is actually long overdue. The main reason I'm a brony today is because Fluttershy made such a wonderful impression in the first episode. So I owe my bronyhood to this pony. :D Lyrics: While I was walking 'round town last night, I saw somepony under the moonlight I thought I might go see the sight of her yellow coat shine bright. I flew up high on a tree to hide, when she heard rustling she looked from side to side, I was terrified out of my mind, and when she saw my shadow she ran inside. And nopony knows just what the hell I'd do, to get closer to you. What crazy little things can I try, to get close to you, but I gotta warn you, I'm shy, so I'll say this with a sigh. I'm not as social as Pinkie Pie, bu! t I'd protect you, oh, I'd die, to keep you in my hooves, please be my Fluttershy. I saw you feeding a cat today, I shyly walked up to you to say, "hey, real nice weather we've got this May," then you welped and ran away. I followed you to apologize, But there was something I failed to realize, your friends and pets were your paradise, You didn't need me, yeah, I saw it in your eyes. And nopony knows just what the hell I'd do, to get closer to you. What crazy little things can I try, to get close to ...