Sunday, March 4, 2012

Haunted Part 07

Haunted Part 07

***READ HERE*** Enjoy! He felt his control seep away quickly as he found himself unable to move any muscle in his body. He could only stand and watch. Something flickered in front of his eyes. He squinted them as he focused on the object lying on the ground. A small camera, it reminded him so much of the one Logan had. He looked around him taking in his surroundings as he realized he was standing on a side walk in the middle of the night. He got a suspicious feeling to look down, seeing a small pile of white powder by his feet. He bent down, trying to carefully see what the white substance was. He narrowed his eyes confusingly but kept on looking when something shiny caught his eye. He looked back to the ground on the other side where he saw a knife. A knife lying in a puddle of blood. He wanted to open his mouth. To shout. But the feeling wouldn't allow him. His eyes caught a flicker of black. He watched as a girl came out of the shadows, walking towards him, her luscious, ! straight jet black hair sprawling across her back and shoulders. She had curves in all the right places and a short skirt that barely covered anything- her legs seemed to go on for a mile. He found control in his muscles and started moving towards her, hoping to get her attention. She looked both beautiful and sexy, well from far anyway, he hadn't quite seen her face very well, yet. As she stood a few feet away from him, he gasped. He felt his muscles painfully freeze in place as he was forced to stop ...