Friday, March 16, 2012

Big Time Rush Love Story Episode 5

Big Time Rush Love Story Episode 5

Hey sorry for not uploading in a long time my family has been having a rough time lately. __________________________________________________________ Jenifer: What just happened? Jasmine: I got my sister hit by a car... Jenifer: Don't worry Jazz I'm sure she'll be fine Jasmine: Yea possibly....OR SHE DIED! Jenifer: JASMINE THINK POSITIVE! YOU MIGHT JINX IT! Jasmine: WELL I'M SORRY THAT I'M FREAKING OUT! Jenifer: ok calm down I'm thinking the smartest thing to do right now is well I don't know maybe take your sister out of the road? Jasmine: ok well let's get her out of the road then. Both: *Pick up Selena* Jasmine: *See's Flashing lights and hears noises* I think there hear! Jenifer: *sarcastic* Noooo there in the North Pole! Jasmine: Jenifer this is not the time to be sarcastic! Jenifer: Well sorry! *see's news van* Well how did the news van get hear *gives Jasmine a look* Jasmine: I didn't call them! Jenifer: Well who did then? Nurse: *brings Selena in the ambulance* *With ! the Boys in hotel room* James: Hey guys guess what Logan scored a date with Selena Gomez! Kendall: Watching Spongebob* Yea yea whatever GO GARY YOU CAN WIN THAT SNAIL RACE WOOOOOOOOO! *see's Gary break down* awww this is all SpongeBob's fault! Carlos: Tell me about it wait haven't u seen this episode before? Kendall: Shut up you know I don't have cable at home. Logan: You guys are so childish *changes channel to news* James: Am I the only one thinking strait here? Kendall and Carlos: HEY! WE WERE ...